Country : | UAE |
Vacancy : | Men-224, Women-82 |
Category : | Cleaners |
Age : | 22-37YRS |
Contract Period : | 2 years |
Monthly Basic Salary : | 800 |
Interview Date: 2024/11/19
Interview Location: KASKI, Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitian City, BAJEKO SEKUWA
Interview Time: 09:00 AM
Interview Date: 2024/11/20
Interview Location: RUPANDEHI, Butwal Sub-Metropolitian City, ASIAN PARTY PALACE
Interview Time: 09:00 AM
Interview Date: 2024/11/21
Interview Location: CHITWAN, Bharatpur Metropolitian City, HOTEL RED CARPET
Interview Time: 09:00 AM
Interview Date: 2024/11/22
Interview Location: DHANUSHA, Janakpur Sub-Metropolitian City, RAM JANAKI TRAINING CENTRE
Interview Time: 09:00 AM
Interview Date: 2024/11/22
Interview Location: SUNSARI, Itahari Sub-Metropolitian City, GORKHA HOTEL
Interview Time: 09:00 AM
Interview Date: 2024/11/23
Interview Location: KATHMANDU, Tokha Municipality, MANPOWER HEAD OFFICE
Interview Time: 09:00 AM
Interview Date: 2024/11/26
Interview Location: KATHMANDU, Tokha Municipality, MANPOWER HEAD OFFICE
Interview Time: 09:00 AM
The company building lasting relationship with employers by recruiting most hard working, responsible and genuine Nepalese workers of wide ranges throughout Malaysia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Omen, Israel, UAE. Till now this Company has been satisfying the demands of many Gulf and other Asian countries Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait & Malaysia for their manpower requirement.
Lalitpur, Nepal
The company building lasting relationship with employers by recruiting most hard working, responsible and genuine Nepalese workers of wide ranges throughout Malaysia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Omen, Israel, UAE. Till now this Company has been satisfying the demands of many Gulf and other Asian countries Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait & Malaysia for their manpower requirement.
Lalitpur, Nepal